All Women’s Health offers a full range of office based gynecology services.
We have available in many locations female practitioners trained and experienced in gynecology and Family Planning.
We encourage you to schedule an appointment on a regular basis for a yearly physical exam.
All yearly exams include: a pelvic exam, breast exam, routine lab work, pap smear, and other tests if requested or needed like colposcopy, directed biopsies, ultrasonography, chemical profile etc.
Upon your request, we will assist you in selecting a method of birth control that is best for you.
Gynecological problems are also diagnosed and treated by our medical staff. We diagnose and treat abnormal pap smears, pelvic pain, vulvar or vaginal lesions, sexually transmitted diseases, abnormal bleeding as well as a host of other maladies. The important thing is to treat these conditions early before they become a major problem.
We also take special pride in our attention to preventative medicine.
We provide a full array of vaccinations for preventative care, including but not limited to vaccinations for flu, tetanus, herpes, and hepatitis B.
We sponsor and support Diet Programs with a practical approach to weight control that can be accomplished by busy people on the run.
We understand the necessity of an exercise program and can help you with a plan that best fits your life style.
We encourage you to visit our facilities and meet with our staff at any time. Please feel free to call if you have any questions that you would like to discuss with our in-house counselors or medical staff. We are here to serve your needs.